Wednesday, January 17, 2018

ERMAHGERD. SNERR DAY! H-Town Icepocalypse 2018

We had 2 snow days. Should've been Ice Days

As I started writing this post, it was 17 degrees. IT WAS WARMER IN ALASKA. WHAT. THE. ACTUAL. FUCK. But now, we are in the clutches of Snerr Day number 2. I use the term snow loosely. It snowed for all of 30 minutes yesterday and that was all. It's been ice and sleet the whole time. Ian and I journeyed out yesterday to Target and Whataburger. There were only a few places open for business, so it was slim pickins. I took a few pictures, but not that many. Ice looks the same no matter how many times you take pictures! Here are a few videos and a picture that I took:

This is ice on the curb near the cars. It looked like this all over, then it eventually turned to slush. then ice again. It wasn't too difficult to walk on, which was nice, because I had prepared myself for the inevitable. I just knew that I was going to slip and bust my ass. Some places had salt sprinkled on their walkways or available for people to use to get traction on their cars. We had ice on windows about a 1/16 of an inch thick, and the doors were almost frozen shut. It took us a while to get enough ice off just to be able to see out of the windows! It's times like these where I wish that we had a house with a garage! Just pull right out and not have to deal with the aftermath of the elements. One day. Until then, trusty credit card scraper to the rescue! It was great seeing all the different methods us South Texans used to get the ice off of our vehicles. Spatulas, vodka, credit cards, you name it; we used it.

The videos below are ones that I had made to send to my mom, but I think only one made it to her. The first one is when we ventured out to check the conditions and to get food. Our power had just went out, but was only out for roughly 20 minutes. The second one is when we were on our way home, and we saw that it was snowing super hard. Unfortunately, since it was still very wet and sleeting most of the time, the snow didn't stick like it did the last time. I also just realized that I never did a post for that day either! That day was incredible. I couldn't get over how beautiful everything looked. Even our apartment gates were beautiful!! But I digress...

Our water went out for about 4 hours today, right when I wanted to do laundry and take a shower. Luckily, it came back on, albeit being rusty. We're back at it again, making good use of this snow, er, ice day!

Ya'll stay warm out there!

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